Home Tips

Plumbing History

Plumbing in history and present

Plumbing was actually used by ancient civilization such as the Greeks, Romans, Chinese and more. Plumbing history was found in Civilizations as early as 2700 B.C.
The people developed public baths and needed to provide potable water and wastewater removal, for the large population.

Plumbing consist a system of pipes, drains, fittings, valves and fixtures that is installed for porting drinkable water for multipurpose uses. Plumbing is also referred as an skilled profession where plumbers deals with your house plumbing installation and maintenance.
Plumbing is a basic need in every part of a developed economy.

From the past till present, there are many materials used for plumbing such as lead, bamboo, wood, stone or clay.
However the current plumbing systems are made out of copper, brass and PEX (plastic), which is estimated to be present in 60% of the homes.

It is recommended to seek good plumbing advice for your homes in order to enjoy safe and clean environment.

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